Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 27 - Cairns to Mackay - 786km

Today we started the final leg of the trip down the Queensland Coast via the Bruce Highway. I was a very painful ride from Cairns down to Townsville due to lots of traffic, and road is so terrible I don't know how it can possibly be called a highway. We rarely got to do 100km/h for more than a few minutes for the whole 350km trip.
The rain clouds threatened all the way however we didn't really get too much rain which was fortunate.

Still had the occasional straight stretch, however considerably shorter than what we have been used to.

Stopped in at Tully to check out the Golden Gumboot monument to the the record rainfalls received up here. I reckon the Sunshine Coast would give them a run for their money this summer!!

Passing through Cardwell below, some may remember this road from the news last year. It is actually the Bruce Highway which runs through town and right  beside the water on the left. After Cyclone Yasi passed through this road was covered in sand and debris.

More rain clouds over the mountains but luckily that's where they stayed.

Stopped for lunch at Townsville then continued on. Road improved slightly and a little less traffic so made bit better time on this leg. Was quite scenic at times even with the threatening weather.
Look hands!!!

Eventually arrived in Mackay about 5pm which was quite a long day for the mileage we did. Accommodation was bit harder to get as a lot of hotels and motels had No Vacancy signs out, I guess due to the town being part of the mining action.

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