Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 23 - Jabiru to Renner Springs - 847km

We woke to no electricity this morning due to maintenance work so couldn't even have a coffee to start the day. As we were leaving we came across these two dingoes, just around the corner from the caravan park.

Bit hard to show in photos here but as we headed out on the Kakadu Highway we started to see some of the countryside you would expect such as these billabongs right beside the roads - no sign of any crocodiles though.

Scattered everywhere were these large termite mounds apparently known as magnetic termites, which is to do with the way they build them in relation to the sun to keep them cool.

This gives a better idea of the size of the termite mounds...and this was not the biggest one we saw.

Of course have to show the straight road shot..

You might need to enlarge the below photo to read the is the town of Mataranka which apparently is the gateway to Never now we have been to the Middle of Nowhere and the Never Never!!

Not too sure what this is meant to show....lucky it's out of focus I guess!!

**pic deleted**

Once we left Kakadu National Park and turned back onto the Stuart Highway at Pine Creek (100km north of Katherine), there really wasn't much to see except the usual straight roads and bushland. Eventually we arrived at a little place called Renner Springs Desert Inn which would be our stop for the night. It is a roadhouse just up the road from Nowhere. There was even a welcoming party outside the bar for us.

Inside was a typical country bar where people right stuff all over the walls and in this place they also have a cap collection which is considerably larger than mine. The manager says they have been collecting them  since the beginning of time and estimate there are more 2000 caps hanging in the bar.

Here we also caught up again with a group of 4 bike riders from Rockhampton who have been doing a similar trip to us. We have passed them numerous times on the road since Broome and we finally ended up staying at the same place tonight.

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