Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 7 - Wing Around The Rock - Uluru Sightseeing - 50km

So today we planned to explore and maybe climb the big rock. After topping up with fuel at $2.28 per litre the day could only get better...or so we thought.

Strong winds at the summit saw the climb closed so that decided that for us. We just walked about 6km around the base of the western & southern sides. When we returned to the car park we found the climb was now open, however it was 11am and by then far too hot for my liking. By then we had also seen how steep it was and how much other climbers were struggling climbing and even harder descending. I decided it was way too difficult for an old timer such as myself to attempt. We decided to take the less strenuous option and booked a helicopter flight over the rock and the Olgas. Below are a selection of photos from our base walk and the flight.

Tomorrow morning we will ride out to the Olgas and do some of the walks around there, and then plan on doing the sunset at the rock thing tomorrow night.

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