Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 10 - Wing Around The Rock - Alice Springs to Barkly Homestead - 754km

Shortly after leaving Alice Springs we reached the Tropic of Capricorn which we have crossed on the East Coast, West Coast and now in Central Australia. From there today's trip was consisted of very long boring stretches of road, not even any wildlife about except for one lonely kangaroo just out of Alice Springs. Even got so boring, Kerrie started playing with different features on the camera, with some of the results below.

A stop for fuel and a drink at Ti Tree Roadhouse proved to be interesting. It was staffed by three people who I think time has left behind.

This is a monument to the explorer Stuart after whom the highway is named.

During a stop for fuel at Wycliffe Wells, we had a chance encounter with aliens. It seems this is a regular landing place for them as well. Each to their own....

South of Tenant Creek we came across the Devil's Marbles. An amazing landscape where there are boulders of all shapes and sizes piled on top of each other. In some instances the way they are stacked seems to defy physics.

Next was an area dotted with thousands and thousands of small ant hills.

The town of Tenant Creek..well...not too much to say about this place either! Main street through town was crawling with idle locals.

This monument to Rev John Flynn is just near the Three Ways Roadhouse. This is where we turned right and headed east towards the Queensland border.

Above and below is Barkly Homestead, where we are staying tonight, approximately 250km from the Queensland border. Only 250km of good roads left on the trip, as we found out last year that immediately entering Queensland, the roads turn to crap! Tomorrow we head to Winton and dinosaur country!

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